Board of Directors
The Board of Directors exercises the highest decision-making power in the National Courts Administration. The Government appoints a Board of Directors for five years at a time.
The Board of Directors has eight members. The members of the Board that are judges come from the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court, a court of appeal, a district court, an administrative court and a special court. The Board also has one member representing the non-judicial personnel of the courts and one member with special expertise in the management of public administration. Each member has a personal deputy.
Members of the Board of Directors for the term of 4 April 2024-3 April 2029:
Mika Ilveskero, Justice of the Supreme Court,
deputy member: Kirsti Uusitalo, Justice of the Supreme Court
Emil Waris, Justice of the Supreme Administrative Court
deputy member: Mika Seppälä, Justice of the Supreme Administrative Court
Antti Savela, President of the Court of Appeal, Eastern Finland Court of Appeal,
deputy member: Asko Välimaa, President of the Court of Appeal, Helsinki Court of Appeal,
Kristina Oinonen, District Court Judge, Kymenlaakso District Court
deputy member: Samuli Sillanpää, District Court Judge, Southwest Finland District Court
Ann-Mari Pitkäranta, Chief Judge, Helsinki Administrative Court
deputy member: Riikka Mäki, Chief Judge, Vaasa Administrative Court
Markus Mattila, Judge of the Market Court, The Market Court
deputy member: Aija Peltola, Senior Judge of the Insurance Court, The Insurance Court
Sirpa Saviniemi, Administrative Secretary, Pirkanmaa District Court
deputy member: Marja Häkkinen, Administrative Secreterary, Päijät-Häme District Court, and
Juhani Jokinen, Master of Laws
deputy member: Juhani Toukola, Master of Laws.

Published 4.4.2024